3-4 years old is the minimum age. Toddlers really can’t do much except balance. 5-6 years old is ideal starting point. All ages are welcome.
Can adults take a skate lesson?
Yes! You are never too young to learn something new. We don’t have group classes at this time, but we can set up a private lesson. Skateboarding as an adult is approached differently than a child, so let’s figure out your skate goals and a coach can help you get there.
Where can we skate?
We can skate all across Los Angeles. A coaches availability is based on their territory. Usually we find a local skatepark in your area, but we can also find an urban spot, visit your home, or find a creative solution.
What do I need for my session?
Skateboard, helmet, elbow pads, knee pads, and wrist guards. And don’t forget a water. A skater under the age of 18 is required full pads and a skater of the age18+ is required a helmet otherwise skates at their own risk.
Do I need a skateboard ?
You are always welcome to use your coach’s board, but we recommend if you are going to continue that you purchase your own. Every skateboard is unique to its skater.
Where do I get skatebaord gear?
From a local skate shop. Stay away from Amazon or Target. Wether it’s a starter set up or a full built complete, it is athletic equipment and the quality will make it easier, safer and more fun.
Weather Delays
What happens if there is a weather delay?
Weather cancellations result in postponement or make-up. No charge. Lessons push to the following week. Classes hold a makeup class the week after scheduled completion date.
Cancellation Fees
What if a skater misses or needs to cancel a lesson?