We’ve decided to try something new. 

We are going to host a traveling skate camp visiting a new skatepark each day of the week. (See below for skatepark schedule and pricing)

Each day there will be both a morning session (9am-12pm), as well as an afternoon session (1pm-4pm). A skater can mix and match by joining any or all of the location days, at either the morning session, the afternoon session, or the full day!

Each session will be run exactly like any of our skate camps which includes skate instruction, group games, and special activities. We will also have a snack break, Sk8 $ prizes, and everyone’s favorite, Free Skate.

We thought this might be a fun change of pace to give each skater the flexibility to utilize their location, maximize their schedule, and have a chance to meet someone new.


Skate Trip 1: August 5th - 9th

Monday 8/05

Crescenta Valley Skate Park

Tuesday 8/06

South Pasadena Skate Park

Wednesday 8/07

Pedlow Field Skate Park

Thursday 8/08

Glendale Chevy Chase Skate Park

Friday 8/09

Chatsworth Lanark Skate Park



$79 Half Day (9am-12pm OR 1pm-4pm)

$158 Full Day (9am-4pm)

*sign up for both AM & PM, and the lunch hour is complimentary!

*Join a session on all 5 days of the week, and one day will be free!